Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Flag without a Country

Sofia News Agency - This tree is Iraq itself, the country, where violence, power, dictatorship and war stuck their lethal nails killing all hopes of beauty and life. There is however, a place in Iraq, where hope is still alive in spite of the chaos and the sufferings Read more here

Newsday - It's not the nails-on-a-chalkboard effect of reality television, it's the ensuing catfight between the "cougars" and the Roth, who's behind such shows as "The Biggest Loser" and "Beauty and the Geek," said in an interview that he gets his best Read more here

Post-Journal - For 4,680 Sundays, give or take a few calendar changes, the pews were fastened to the church floor with hard metal nails resulting in a plan to keep the original aisle end plates because of their heavy duty construction and historical beauty. The Read more here