Monday, September 3, 2007

Tradition remains rich when TSU, PV meet in football

Tradition remains rich when TSU, PV meet in football
Houston Chronicle - Women have been packing the beauty salons this week to get their hair and nails done for what many call a mini-fashion week — where old outfits at the flurry of parties, including the big game, will just not do. Men are buying the ribs and briskets

Mickey Kaus
Slate - Some are rejecting it, some are embracing it. P.S.: The beauty of tiny condos is that they don't have to be subsidized HuffPo nails Hillary on Kos dis: Hillary's blogspinners--and top YearlyKos executives!--cover up that she'd rather schmooze

Making music
Herald Tribune - In homebuilding, "shiner" is a term used for exposed nails along the wood structure of the roof. “We call them shiners I'm looking for monuments to creativity, beauty, engineering genius and even ego. A few nominees to get us started: the

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PRWeb - Ancient Hair Remedies Unveiled By Amazon Beauty, Cocoon Hair Studio and Ecoagents Amazon Beauty (Cocoon Hair Studio) and Ecoagents, an environmental advocate, are collaborating efforts to launch the exclusive Rahua, a powerful ancient serum that