Thursday, November 1, 2007

Depth and beauty meet in 'St. Louis'

Depth and beauty meet in 'St. Louis'
Chicago Sun-Times - Standing by are younger sisters Agnes (Rae Gray) and hilariously ghoulish little Tootie (Kamilah Lay, who nails every number The stellar designers share huge credit for the show's depth and beauty. Brian Sydney Bembridge's magnificent architectural

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PRWeb - Unvarnished Tales from the Brothers Grimm," tells the real story behind the modern interpretations of classic fairy tales like “Red Riding Hood” and “Briar Rose,” better known to American audiences as “Sleeping Beauty.” - 2005-11-21

Couple's silence speaks volumes -- Connie Schultz
Cleveland Plain Dealer - She had just come from a "beauty shop party" that turned her hair green and her nails a bright purple. But you can get away with such things when you're 5 and cuter than the law should allow, so everybody just looked at her and smiled, including that