Saturday, September 15, 2007

Conservative Judaism at a Crossroads

Conservative Judaism at a Crossroads
Forward - put out by well-meaning lashon hara machines such as the Forward, seek out a traditional Rabbi and explore the beauty and of gays and the sham they are making of the holy institution of a Jewish marriage, they have put the remaining nails in the

A blog for everything:
Celebrity Baby Blog - Ciaran, Anya, Josh and I just got back from Las Vegas, where we attended the ABC Kids Expo , the largest tradeshow of baby and kid-related gear (albeit with an unfortunately URL'ed one). Imagine Babies R Us but 30 times bigger. There I met with a

Doing your own wind inspections
Herald Tribune - In homebuilding, "shiner" is a term used for exposed nails along the wood structure of the roof. “We call them shiners I'm looking for monuments to creativity, beauty, engineering genius and even ego. A few nominees to get us started: the

Featured PRFirm
PRWeb - Unvarnished Tales from the Brothers Grimm," tells the real story behind the modern interpretations of classic fairy tales like “Red Riding Hood” and “Briar Rose,” better known to American audiences as “Sleeping Beauty.” - 2005-11-21