Friday, September 14, 2007

WESTERN MONTANA LIVES - Myrtle McLaughlin, 96, leaves behind legacy of

WESTERN MONTANA LIVES - Myrtle McLaughlin, 96, leaves behind legacy of
Missoulian - What they do know is that Myrtle and Ed married in 1933, roamed the region hammering nails, landed in Montana's Bitterroot You could see the happy light shining out of her eyes,” Jellison said. “She was a beauty of the truest kind.” Myrtle was

Showcasing 50 years
Salina Journal - He took old-fashioned square-tipped nails of various sizes and tapped them into a wood block for the print. The nails left a as a woodcut printer spanned only 18 years, Logan's landscapes of the Great Plains are acclaimed for their detail and beauty

Smashing Capitalism
Common Dreams - Somewhere in the Hamptons a high-roller is cursing his cleaning lady and shaking his fists at the lawn guys. The American poor, who are usually tactful enough to remain invisible to the multi-millionaire class, suddenly leaped onto the scene and

Featured PRFirm
PRWeb - Unvarnished Tales from the Brothers Grimm," tells the real story behind the modern interpretations of classic fairy tales like “Red Riding Hood” and “Briar Rose,” better known to American audiences as “Sleeping Beauty.” - 2005-11-21