Friday, December 14, 2007

John Watson: Mission San José — showplace of the Southwest

John Watson: Mission San José — showplace of the Southwest
Cleburne Times-Review - They made nails, hinges, locks, keys, bolts and decorative grills. In 1777, Morfi referred to “a large balcony which Possibly dedicated to Saint Rose, its baroque beauty is entangled in many San Antonio legends that whisper of its mystery.

Lindsay Lohan Deposition Will Reportedly Be Videotaped; Plus John
MTV - Drumming was handled by Josh Freese , another APC vet, and Alan Moulder ( Nine Inch Nails , the Killers ) engineered the disc Angie Martinez survived an ugly car crash late last week as she readied her first annual Angie Martinez Hair Show and Beauty

If Conservatism Is The Ideology of Freedom, I’m The Queen of England
Common Dreams - I wish I had a nickel for every time a conservative told a lie in order to sell an ideology that would otherwise be hopelessly unappealing. But, then, what the hell would I do with ten kazillion, trillion, dollars? I wouldn’t know how to spend that